terribly — [ter′ə blē] adv. 1. in a terrible manner 2. extremely; very [a terribly funny man] … English World dictionary
terribly — dreadfully, 1520s, see TERRIBLE (Cf. terrible); in the sense of extremely it is first recorded 1833; in the sense of extremely badly it dates from 1930 … Etymology dictionary
terribly — [adv] very awfully, badly, decidedly, desperately, discouragingly, disturbingly, drastically, dreadfully, exceedingly, extremely, fearfully, frightfully, gravely, greatly, highly, horribly, intensely, markedly, mightily, much, notoriously,… … New thesaurus
terribly — ► ADVERB 1) extremely. 2) very badly … English terms dictionary
terribly — ter|ri|bly S2 [ˈterıbli] adv 1.) [+ adjective/adverb] especially BrE very = ↑extremely ▪ I m terribly sorry to have kept you waiting. ▪ The coach was not terribly worried about his team s poor performance. 2.) very badly = ↑severely … Dictionary of contemporary English
terribly — ter|ri|bly [ terəbli ] adverb ** 1. ) very or extremely: We re terribly fortunate the storm didn t start earlier. Something is terribly wrong. 2. ) in a very bad way: What s wrong? You re playing terribly today … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
terribly — adverb 1) she s not terribly upset Syn: very, extremely, particularly, hugely, intensely, really, terrifically, tremendously, immensely, dreadfully, incredibly, remarkably, extraordinarily, seriously; informal real, mighty, awful … Thesaurus of popular words
terribly */*/ — UK [ˈterəblɪ] / US adverb 1) very, or extremely We re terribly fortunate the storm didn t start earlier. Something is terribly wrong. 2) in a very bad way What s wrong? You re playing terribly today … English dictionary
terribly — /ter euh blee/, adv. 1. in a terrible manner. 2. Informal. extremely; very: It s terribly late. I m terribly sorry. [1520 30; TERRIBLE + LY] * * * … Universalium
terribly — adverb a) Causing terror or awe. The lion roared terribly. b) Very; extremely. Hes terribly busy and you really shouldnt bother him. Syn: very, extremely, awfully … Wiktionary